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Kindergarten Orientation Information from Nurse Bernard

    Anna C. Scott School Nurse’s Office

Kindergarten Orientation Information for September 2020

Hello Parents/Guardians of the Kindergarten Class of 2021.

I hope you are all well and safe at home.

It is time to start getting your child ready for kindergarten. There is medical information that is required by the State of New Jersey for entry into kindergarten.
You will need to submit a physical examination form completed by a physician or nurse practitioner licensed in the United States. This physical must be done within one year of entry to school.
Proof of immunizations must also be submitted. If your child needs an updated physical examination and/or immunizations, talk to your doctor about when to schedule an appointment. It may be difficult to schedule one at the end of the summer.
Children cannot enter school without documentation of the physical and immunizations.
Please complete the Medical History form and have your child’s Dentist complete the Dental examination form. These forms along with the Physical Examination form can be found at the ACS Nurse link on the Anna C. Scott School Home page.

It is important to have a plan to pick up your child if they become ill in school. Kindergarten children are in close contact with each other and frequently “share germs”. Please provide emergency contact information so we can reach a trusted adult if you are unavailable.
Help me keep your child safe at school. Please let me know if he or she has allergies (medication, food, or environmental), asthma or any chronic health issues. Medications needed to manage asthma and allergies may be administered in school with orders from your child’s doctor. We will work together to develop a plan of care to keep your child healthy & safe in school.

Many of you have submitted physical and immunization information. I will contact you if anything needs to be updated. 

**important additional information
Our Kindergarten classrooms are nut and peanut free to help us provide a safe space for all our young children.  

Please contact me with any questions at:

Have a good day and stay well.

Linda Bernard, RN, MS, CSN
School Nurse


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