Welcome to another rewarding school year! Our literacy library is a warm, comfortable environment for our students. We are so excited to meet and work with you and your rising kindergartener!
During their library time, students will have opportunities to practice the reading, writing, and phonics skills that they are learning in the classroom.
You can help your child prepare for kindergarten by filling your home with reading materials: books, newspapers, magazines, comics, mail, captions on the TV, cereal boxes and recipes. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to do this! Also, utilize the Leonia library and their website Leonialibrary.org. You will find many ebooks available for free. Libby is great for children. Another website we recommend for children’s books is wilbooks.com. Finally, be a reading role model for your child! Your kids look up to you. They model your every move. This includes your reading habits too! Make it known that you are actively reading. Pick up a book, magazine, or read from the computer or tablet. They will notice and most likely ask you about it. Have fun reading together!
We look forward to seeing you in September!
Ms. Lewis and Ms. Compel
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