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Getting Ready For Kindergarten

Dear Parents/Guardians of Incoming Kindergarten Students,

Many people ask, “What does my child need to know to enter kindergarten?” Here is a list of some of the skills your child should know when entering kindergarten.

Reading Readiness
- Recognizes first name

- Writes first name
- Recite the alphabet
- Recognizes and names pictures
- Recognizes most, if not all, capital letters

Math Readiness
- Recognizes numbers 1-10
- Counts to 20
- When given a group of items can count them correctly
- Can show you a given number of objects when asked
- Knows shapes and colors
- Can draw simple shapes
- Knows the concept of more/less, bigger/smaller
- Demonstrates one to one correspondence (each item counted as one) - Can point to pictures that show the concept of same and different
- Classifies objects that belong together
- Knows the difference between letters and numbers

Social/Emotional Readiness
- Can use toilet independently
- Can pay attention in a group for a period of time
- Can share and cooperate with others
- Can separate from parent within a reasonable amount of time
- Responds appropriately to adults
- Can manage own clothing such as putting on and taking off coat
- Demonstrates good hygiene-can wash hands and use tissues on their own - Can speak in sentences to relate needs
- Can manage backpack and lunch box without assistance

Motor Skills
- Can hold and draw or write with a pencil - Can use scissors appropriately
- Can trace shapes, numbers and letters

These are just some of the things you should be working towards as your child prepares for school. Of course we understand that each child is unique and special and all children develop at their own rate. Again, these are only guidelines. The best way to get your child ready for a school is to spend time talking and reading to your child. Keep learning fun by playing games that reinforce these concepts. Make sure that your child gets plenty of rest and eats a good breakfast before coming to school. A hungry child has a hard time concentrating and learning. This is also true of a child who does not feel well.

The ABC’s of Kindergarten will give you information about our program. If you have any questions, the kindergarten teachers or I will be happy to answer them. Our office staff will answer any questions regarding registration procedures. We look forward to working with you next year.

Maria Barceló Martinez, Ed.D. Principal

ABC’s of Kindergarten

Arrival and Dismissal
Children will line up in designated spots inside the Highland Street Entrance. The information will be provided at a later date. Their teachers will meet the students at their designated spot and proceed to their classroom. Please have your child there at 8:35am, the Highland Street door will be locked at 8:45am. If you arrive at school after 8:45am please enter at the Broad Avenue door and proceed to the main office for a late pass. Dismissal is at 2:40pm. Please be on time to pick up your child. If you are going to be late at dismissal, please call the Main Office so that your child will be brought there to await your arrival. Please make every effort to be on time as your children get upset when they do not see you at the end of the day.
Please note that on a single session day dismissal is at 12:45pm.

If your child is absent from school for any reason you need to send a note with your child on his/her return to school. Please date and sign the note and briefly explain the reason for the absence. Also, please follow the procedure in the Parent Handbook for calling in the day your child will be absent. If the child will be absent for reasons other than illness please inform the teacher.

Please let us know of any allergies your child may have, especially for food(s). Please be advised that all kindergarten classes are nut free.

Each child will need some sort of bag to bring home papers, library books, art projects, notices, etc each day. You will need to empty the bag each night because important papers may be squashed in there. Please make sure the backpacks are large enough for folders to fit into without having to fold them in half.

If you would like, you can send a special snack for the class to celebrate your child’s birthday. The snack must be labeled “school safe or nut free”. It must also be store bought. Coordinate with your child’s teacher on the day and time your child may celebrate his or her birthday in class. We sing happy birthday to the birthday child. Everyone’s birthday will be recognized whether you send a snack or not. Please do not send goodie bags.

Please make sure your child eats a nutritious breakfast before coming to school. A hungry child has difficulty learning and may develop a stomach ache or headache.

Book Orders
On a regular basis you will receive children’s book order forms. They are an opportunity for you to buy books for your child at a reduced rate. If you choose to order, you can order online or please pay by check and make it payable to the name of the catalog. Cash will NOT be accepted.

Please look for the school’s calendar to come home on the opening day of school. Each month the cafeteria will send home a lunch menu calendar for the upcoming month.

Class Parents
We cannot do without them! Class parents take charge of class parties and make phone calls when needed. They may call a parent to request help for a party or be asked to go on field trips. The Home & School Association (H&S) will be contacting you.

We work and play hard in kindergarten and may get dirty. Please dress your child in play clothes. There are days when you may want your child to dress up, such as School Photo Day. You will receive notice of these events. Please put your child’s name on ALL items that are not attached to them; lunch bags, sweaters, coats, gloves, hats, umbrellas, boots, etc. It will save a great deal of time in sorting out belongings and will make it easier to return the lost items to their owner.

Good communication between parents and teachers is essential. Feel free to discuss with your child’s teacher any problems or concerns you may have. You may contact your child’s teacher via e-mail or notes sent in with his/her folder.

Many times we will ask you to save things to donate to the class. We are always looking for paper towel and toilet paper rolls. We also ask that each family donate a box of tissues and wipes to their class, if possible. More information will be given on Back to School Night.

Please encourage your child to discuss the school day with you. Ask specific questions such as, “What was the favorite thing you did today?” or “What story did you hear today?” rather than, “What did you do in school today?”

The students will be bringing home folders. This is one way for the teacher to communicate with you. Please check this folder each night for important notices, homework, etc.

The students need sneakers for physical education. The teacher will notify you which two days physical education is scheduled. In winter the students need shoes or sneakers to put on when they come in and remove their boots. It is too hot to wear boots all day. Also, since we sit and play on the floor, it is much nicer to not have it wet or muddy from boots.

Your child is growing each and every day. Enjoy this wonderful time.

Home and School
The Home and School Association provides support for many educational programs (field trips, assemblies) for our students. They actively engage in their many fundraising and entertainment activities throughout the school year and are always in need of volunteers. They will host a welcome back –to-school parent meeting on the first day of school in the cafeteria, after drop off. Please try to attend.

Foster your child’s independence. Please encourage them to do as much as they are able to do for themselves, beginning in advance of the opening of school.

The teachers are unable to hand out birthday party invitations for you unless the entire class is invited. We understand that it may not be possible for you to invite twenty or more children. Please understand that we cannot have the hurt feelings that will come from leaving out specific children. You can distribute invitations on the playground before or after school. The teacher can supply a list of the first names of the children in the class.

If your child wears any valuable jewelry to school such as rings, earrings, bracelets or necklaces, please remind them not to take them off or trade with other children. The teachers cannot be responsible for lost or borrowed jewelry. It is encouraged that children leave valuable jewelry at home.

Kindergarten kids are wonderful kids!

The students go to the library every week. They will have the chance to select a book to borrow each month. Students will need to return the book on library day in order to select a new one.

Kindergarten children eat lunch in the classrooms. Hot lunches, as well as cold lunches, are available for purchase for students. Menu selections will be sent home monthly. If you will be purchasing school lunch, please complete the form and return it to your classroom teacher. Please check the first day packet for the price of lunch per day. You may pay for lunch through the website ( or send in cash marked with your child’s names. Please make sure your child is aware if he/she is purchasing lunch or has lunch from home. If your child is absent on a day that you paid for lunch, you will receive a credit.

The students will have a music class once a week, with a music specialist. Singing and music are an integral part of the everyday classroom experience as well.

Our school nurse, Mrs. Bernard, will be happy to speak to you about health issues.

If you have any questions that the teacher is unable to help you with, please call our Main Office at 201-302-5200.

There are three parties held each year in Kindergarten: Halloween, Valentine’s Day and the end of the school year celebration. All parents will be asked to contribute to the parties on a voluntary basis. The class parents will contact you when your help is needed.

Physical Education
Each kindergarten class will have PE two times per week. The students are asked to wear sneakers on PE days or they will not be able to participate.

If you ever have any questions, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher. You can send a note in his/her folder or contact the teacher through the school e-mail.

Read to your child every night and discuss the book. It does not matter what language you read in. The single most important thing you can do to help your child with literacy skills is to read to them and as their skills develop to read with them.

Reading Baggies
During the course of the year, your child will be bringing home a reading baggie. Your child is responsible for reading and returning the books and the baggie to school the next school day.

Report Cards
The children will receive 3 report cards during the course of the year. At the end of the 1
st marking period, the teacher will have a conference with parents to discuss student progress and their educational plan. Please make every effort to attend this conference. The meetings are short but provide an important opportunity to discuss your child.

The students are free to use the bathroom as the need arises. Bathrooms are found in each of the kindergarten classrooms.

The rules are very simple:
-Quiet (during instruction time)
- Nice (to one another- be respectful to everyone) - Work (do your work when you are supposed to) -Sit flat on your bottom
-Keeping your hands to yourself
-Eyes and ears on the speaker

If your child shows signs of not feeling well, please keep them home. A sick child is not able to learn. Not only is a sick child not able to learn, they can also spread germs to the rest of the class.

Every afternoon we have a short period for snack. We encourage your child to bring a small, healthy snack that will take no more than 5-10 minutes to eat. All snacks must be labeled and sent in a separate bag marked with your child’s name. We keep them separate from the lunches.

The late bell rings at 8:45. If you are late you must go to the Main Office and get a late slip. No student may enter a classroom after 8:45 without one.

Children are asked NOT to bring toys from home. They are very distracting and most toys are not made for large group use. Teachers cannot be responsible for broken toys or the hurt feelings caused by them.

The family, the child and teachers should be united for the child’s educational success.

Vegetables and fruit make a good snack.

The children are allowed to get drinks of water at any time during the day. Water fountains are found in each of the kindergarten classrooms. If you prefer, your child may bring in his/her labeled water bottle.

Each and every kindergarten child is eXtra special!

You, the parents are your child’s first and most important teacher.

When you walk into a kindergarten classroom it may look like a zoo, but we assure you that there is a lot of learning going on!


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